Saturday, November 8, 2008


So it's been months. Right. I knew that.

I have these weird motivational tics. I'm easily inspired, and through the course of a year I'll have a lot of ideas. Some that I think are brilliant, and a lot that are rather mundane. I'll latch onto these ideas with enthusiasm for awhile, but it tends to be cyclical. For instance, my apartment is in a constant flux of cleanliness vs. filth. When inspired, I keep my apartment virtually spotless for a few months or more, but inevitably I'll stop caring for some reason, and it'll end up looking like a hand grenade went off in the center of it for a few months. I suppose the same theory can be applied to my blogging habits.

This isn't to say that there haven't been disruptions. A primary one being the start of the fall semester which has thrown an uncharacteristic amount of work at me since September, and usually by the end of the day after reading and writing for my classes I'm hesitant to do any more for the sake of pleasure. Thankfully, I can be easily guilted into doing things from time to time, hence this post.

Granted, this is a short post, but it proves that I'm still alive and haven't given up on this blog entirely. More to come.

Oh, by the way, after eight years, my guy finally won. F&#$ yeah.

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