Monday, July 28, 2008


The internet is redundant and though I continue to perpetuate this trend with this blog I maintain, I decided I wasn't doing enough to speed up the mediocrity of the world wide web and took it upon myself to make a new blog about a little side hobby of mine: video gaming. It's a hobby I've indulged in ever since I was a kid, and rather than force my little past time among readers of this blog (which I consider to be relatively well-rounded and a general synthesis of my life), I've decided to create a new, separate blog specifically for this little obsession of mine. After all, I hate cartoonists who love golf or some other shitty sport or hobby and constantly remind us of that fact by including golf jokes all the time. And though I am a hypocrite, I try to at least keep that little fact hidden. So here you go. Enjoy:

Premeditated Gamicide

By the way, since it's been so long since my last post, here's a little update: Physical therapy is exceedingly long and highly annoying, though it does feel good to get a little physical exercise given the fact that I've been more or less immobile for the past nine weeks to one degree or another and my surgeon's stopped supplying me with those delightful little painkiller pills that somehow make life less dreary. So in other words with nothing else to do, I may as well go to a cramped excuse for a gym twice a week and lift my leg up and down a hundred and twenty times before they'll let me leave.

My only real regret is that the summer is flying by for me, at a rate seemingly faster than normal as I've had very little chance to get outside and experience some of that sun that everyone else seems to like so much. Oh well, at least I have an excuse for my pasty-white Irish skin this year.

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